Friday, April 28, 2006

Martina and Kate

Radek Spepanek. Photo from ATP website. Martina Hingis had dated a string of not-bad-looking guys. So it was to my disbelieve when I found out that she is now dating Radek Stepanek! Apparently they met at the Australian Open at the beginning of this year. Look at those sausage lips ~ argh! I hope Martina is dating him just so that she'd have a decent hitting partner for free. Hopefully, Radek will soon get intimidated by Martina's achievements (40 single titles, 36 doubles and $18, 772, 636 prize money) and realise that she is obviously beyond his league! 'She's full of fun and you are boring. She DOES NOT complete you!' Go find someone else! You can read about this in Blick.

Why do bad things keep happening to good people (namely, Kate Moss)? PA Rebecca White who worked for Naomi Campbell publicly announced that: 'We partied together more than 60 times over the years in New York, Barcelona and London and not once have I seen her (Kate Moss) when she wasn't doing drugs or booze.' News of the World. She said she is prepared to tell the police about Kate Moss' constant use of cocaine. This means that the police will have enough evidence to charge Kate Moss. She also claimed that one night Kate Moss kissed and grabbed her breast in a hotel room, and she 'gently' pushed Kate away!??! I'll say this as delicately as I know how - look into a bowl of water or something if you don't have a mirror, Miss Elephant Nose!

Rebecca White. Photo from News of the World.

I have something to say! Drugs are bad and dangerous... if you do it in front of someone who will turn you in.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Freckles or Flawless?

While I was on my way to 'Bowl something' to get some Indian food for dinner, I saw this billboard by Dove at the corner of Elizabeth Street and Lonsdale Street:

It asks the question: 'Does beauty mean looking like everyone else?' And there is a number you can sms to vote either 'Freckles?' or 'Flawless?'. The votes currently stand at 4665 and 4375, respectively. What is this board trying to tell us? I think it is trying to say that flaws are beautiful or something in this nature. But isn't Dove all about having 1/4 moisturised, flawless skin? And I guess also 1/4 moisturised, flawless HAIR since they now also make shampoos and conditioners. This board confuses me.

Recently, I have this thing for Indian and Thai food. It's the taste from layers of different flavoured spices erupting in your mouth while at the same time releasing a combination of aroma triggering your emotion like an instant dose of ethnical ecstasy, which makes them so addictive. Name me any other food can make you cry like a baby the way super hot (but yummy) Tom Yam soup can.

Here is a photo taken last Saturday night at Darkus' place:

There is a reason why I resized this picture this small before posting it. I look fucked! I look like I am in extreme pain or something. I was so drunk I couldn't even do a proper 'V'. Why was I biting my tongue? Why was Tommy (aka Queen of Alcohol) so red? Actually everyone was red because everyone was drunk, other than Aaron (in pink) the designated driver. HA~! That reminds me I still owe him a drink.

I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY! will be the final segment of my blog starting next blog!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I don't want to die... yet

Sometimes you just have to stop what you are doing and re-evaluate your priorities. I have been partying at least 3 nights per week for the past 2-3 weeks and I am exhausted. After all the heavy boozing, I think all my brain cells have migrated to hell, waiting for me to join them. Seriously, it is just like committing suicide. Just that you probably die instantly when you commit suicide while over-drinking is a more prolonged process of dying. You drink; get liver cancer; need operation; cured but you got infected by some deadly viruses when you had the liver problem; etc... While I was searching for pictures of alcohol related diseases to try to scare myself awake, I came across this old article which I thought is quite tragic, but funny:

"When they put my baby on my breast, I knew something was wrong, so I lifted my head to look at him," Maza Weya said of her newborn. "I could smell the alcohol on his breath," she said. "My baby was born drunk."

Last night, a couple of us got some boozes and went to Darkus' place to drink before going to this club where Inaya Day was performing. We drank and we drank and we drank. If water = alcohol, then I would have had my daily requirement of water in that 2 hours. We stayed at the club for 6-7 hours! And now I am so very tired.

Now that uni has recommenced, I think it's time for me to farewell my scene life. Plus, I am a man of many hobbies! I can surely occupy myself without having to go to clubs. In fact, I actually don't like drinking alcohol. I only drink when I go out. So by not going clubbing, I'll not only save money and time, but save myself from premature death!

I went to play tennis with some friends on Sunday. It was good, other than the 15-minute doubles game where I served like a blinded retard. After the first 20 minutes of trying to hit like Hingis (topspin and placement) I came to the conclusion that I would never hit like Martina Hingis because I am Serena Williams. Somehow the tennis ball always land long when I try to add spin and minus pace, but when I hit it as hard as I could, it stays in and deep. I got one of those blood-filled blister again and it actually burst while we were playing. So reminder to all people, DO NOT TOUCH MY TENNIS RACKET.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Today I say...

Last night we had a mini gathering thing for my friend, Stephen who came back from Hong Kong to visit. It was fun. Everyone has a few drinks and then some (incl. me) went to a nearby club. Oh, did I mention Stephen didn't turn up?

Chido is on Sale at Curtis (Curtin?) House on Level 2 on Swanston Street. 70% off Comme des Garcons and Chido shirts, tees and pants and, Y3 and Camper shoes! I.e., CDG shirt which usually cost $600 is only $180 now! Like all Sale, sizes are limited. The Sale ends tomorrow. According to the boss of Chido, they are stocking some new Converse sneakers and something-cross-Lacoste polo shirts where the buttons are on the back instead of on the front soon.

It is time like that I wish I am rich. I know money doesn't buy real happiness, but I am superficial, fake happiness will do. I bought a shirt there, which I shouldn't have because I just bought something else 2 days ago. I am so in financial K(shit) hole now. Anyway, I know I probably, quoting Winona Ryder, 'did the right wrong thing.'

These few days I have been thinking about whether I should stay in Melbourne or go back to KL after I graduate. I know I WANT to go back but I'm afraid. Although I like, love and adore my family, I like, love and adore my freedom too. But what if I can't find work here? At least back in KL I have my family and everyone knows family means money.

I have been doing this balancing test in my mind but it doesn't really help: friends (I'm leaning towards KL), lifestyle (KL), people (Melbourne), shopping (KL), freedom (Melbourne), security (Melbourne) and job prospect (don't know). You know how I hate being told what to do but someone please tell me what should I do!!? While you are thinking about that, you might as well help me decide if I should take this 3-month full time graphic design course:

Thursday, April 20, 2006

A bit of Tsubi in everyone

Americans own big movies, Asians own electronic gadgets and Australians own Tsubi jeans. It's so common the meaning of 'common' is inadequate in defining the degree of common in 'common'. It's impossible to walk around Melbourne CBD without spotting tens, if not hundreds of those jeans. They are like temptations-in-motion. They are like chocolates from Max Brenner - you can only say no for x number of times before you start flagging up your white g-string and declare, quoting supermodel Carmen Kaas, 'I can't resist temptation'.

Information about Tsubi: 'The Founders of Tsubi are Gareth Moody, Dan Single and George Garrow... had no previous fashion design experience... [but soon they were asked] to show [their clothes] at Mercedes Fashion Week in May 2001, where they controversially released 169 live rats onto the catwalk.' I wonder if that means the 169 rats were wearing their clothes or what.

Note to my dictionary: Tsubi 1. adj be successful without trying (example: I want to be a Tsubi when I grow up), 2. adj naughty and controversial (example: Paris Hilton is one Tsubi bitch).

I got this Tsubi (the brand) overall a month ago and I haven't wear it once. Overalls are hard to wear! I keep having the image of some jealous racist cunt who will pull on one of the stripes and make my pants fall off or make me fall on my bum on the street.

Tsubi jeans are big, huge and gigantic! Even Nicole Richie owns a pair. I made up my mind this morning to get this washout Tsubi jeans, and I rushed to the nearest General Pants to get it. I asked the salesperson to get me my size (I saw a 30" but I wanted a 32") and after 20 minutes, he said they have 5 in the store but he couldn't find any of them! I was piss... no, in fact... I was more than piss... I was PISSER! In any event, he was very apologetic. Plus I think they get commission off each sale so I don't think me being an Asian has anything to do with it. Oh, did I mention he is an Asian too? I then dialled into my shopping-dar and straight to GPO I went. Any of you who can't find the size you want in other shops, FAT at GPO has most sizes for Tsubi jeans but they cost around $10 more.

I'd like to use all the fashion jargons and start describing all the positive features of the jeans the way the judges in Project Runway/Catwalk do but I only know how to say 'It's nice' and 'I like it'. Ummm ultimately I got a 30"one.

After weeks of hell and suffering, I've finally finished all three of my research assignments (forth one is due at the end of the semester). What have I learned from them? I don't know. If you ask me what do I think about regulating the cyberspace, I would reply 'What do you think?'. If you ask what's my opinion on holding directors personally liable in tort, I would say 'I want to be a Tsubi when I grow up'. All I know is that, now I can start enjoying the rest of my mid-term break.

Pop quiz:

#1 Does the age of a person define his or her maturity? I think not. Life experience, on the other hand, does. For instance, it is likely that a 15 year-old prostitute would value the importance of money more in comparison a 15 year-old plain rich whore. All 'age' does is to give a person the permission to be immature. You might look cute fighting over a toy at 5 and you will just look like a creepy little old man doing that when you are 50.

#2 Who can say you are beautiful? Anyone but yourself.

#3 Who is Austin Scalett's (Project Runway Season One) twin brother? Carson from Queer Eye for a Straight Guy.

To look at Austin's photo, go to

Monday, April 17, 2006


I've survived the weekend ordeals! After all the embarrassments, troubles and harms I had done to myself and others on Friday night, I woke up on Sunday morning after 20 hours of sleep with a mild headache. Did I tell you there was blood in my vomit? Scary? Hell yeah! Lesson: Eat something... anything... before you drink.

I spent the entire Sunday morning working one my third essay (something on the directors' liability to creditors). I also went to the State Library to do some research work! Then I came home and do what I always do on a Sunday afternoon - practice piano. I f**king hate my piano. Since I brought up the word 'f**k', I might as well alert to this is hilarious article from the UK Times about tennis rising star Andy Murray who swore at the Davis Cup.

Here's an abstract of the article:
A PRETTY poor weekend, on the whole. You’re feeling like a piece of ****, you lose a ****ing tennis match and then your team get fined $2,500 because you said **** to the wrong person. But to make the weekend even *****ier, if that were possible, every ****ing ****er in the whole ****ing country is on your case, tut-tutting and moralising, especially people who you know say **** all the ****ing time. Or if not, they’ re being ****ing patronising and telling you that they appreciate your ****ing passion. **** the lot of them. [,,5205-2126834,00.html]

Anyway, my piano is a Mignon; a German brand I think. I really regret buying this piano. My uncle actually told me that he thinks I should get a secondhand Yamaha rather than an unknown brand. I didn't listen and now I regret. I was only 13 years old then though, so been a rebel was a MUST if you want to be COOL . The keys ~ geez, they just never bounce up fast enough after you striked them. Maybe that's why I am crap at playing fast pieces now!

Since last night, I've amended my declaration of 'no alcohol ever again' to 'no white/red wine and champagne ever again'. Well, it's just a bit weird not drinking when you go to your friend's (Gloria) houseparty where what people do is just drink and chat (and we all know how I don't talk much). The party was fun and funny. All was well and then someone started crying. Maybe it was because there wasn't any Easter eggs and we should be listening to church hymns instead of Paul van Dyke, but I don't believe a person cry for no reason. Whatever the reason; I said it then and I will say it now - Cheer up! You are too young to be sad!

Here are some photos from the Friday party I went to before I vomitted like the girl in The Exorcist:

All party pictures look the same. Boring. But you get the idea - it was big, fun, lots of people.

Here is a more interesting picture a friend sent to me. While mixed-race dating is gaining some acceptance, people have already started mixed-species dating.

Photo by Darren Plunkett.

Have a look at this clip from this site. It's the preview for Titanic 2, and it's fake! Look damn real though:

Saturday, April 15, 2006

A hell of a night!

Have you ever pass out from drinking too much alcohol? I have! What's worse is that first I vomitted and then I passed out on Melbourne's chic Chapel Street. It was not only embarrassing to me but also my friends.

All I remember was that around 7 of us got to my friend, Darkus' place with some alcohol. We planned to get a bit pissed before heading to this recovery party at South Yarra. I remember we drank, got in the car, then I was vomiting on the street and heard Tommy saying, 'You are stronger than this, John'. And then I passed out. However, according to Tommy - we drank, I was very noisy in the car, got to the club but Darkus and I couldn't get in because we were too drunk, we sat outside while the rest went in and when they came out Darkus and I were vomiting. Some caucasian guys came to help and bought us some milk. Then Aaron, Chris and Tommy took us back to Darkus' place, helped me change and I slept on the sofa.

I feel so bad for what I've done. Thanks guy for taking care of me. Mark my words: I WILL NEVER TOUCH OR EVEN GO NEAR ANY TYPE OF BEVERAGE WHICH CONTAINS ANY PERCENTAGE OF ALCOHOL EVER AGAIN.

P.s. Funny how I actually went to renew my health insurance because I was afraid something bad will happen to me from partying too hard. I guess I jinxed myself by doing that.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Ice Age: The Meltdown

ICE AGE - THE MELTDOWN. This energetic sequel to the Ice Age (2002) is about the ending of the Ice Age due to global warming. It is raucously funny with a fluent flow of humour. Mammy (Ray Romano) joined with his pals Sid (John Leguizamo) and Diego (Denis Leary) set on a journey to find the ship on the other side of the valley before the sea breaks into the valley. On the way, they met Ellie (Queen Latifah) and her two possum 'brothers' (Seann William Scott and Josh Peck). There is a bit of everything in this animation - singing, love, hate, action and jokes. Audiences will be particularly touched by the bonding of the characters. The twist at the end of this sequel hints future series. My favourite quote - 'She's full of fun and you are boring. She cooompleeetes you.'

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Who Is John?

I am someone who:
  1. doesn't go into shops where no one is in it, except shop assistants. (Stay away from my, shop assistants!)
  2. wears cap because I am too lazy to style my hair. (I actually don't like wearing cap.)
  3. spends 20 plus minutes cleaning my teeth every night. (Whitening mouth wash, brush, floss with superfloss and normal waxed floss.)
  4. likes to set my mobile phone on silent. (No one really calls me, so I get heart attack when I hear the mobile rings.)
  5. thinks that I am unhealthy if I don't take my vitamins and/or herbal supplements everyday. (I am a pathophobic.)
  6. sings in my head when I walk alone. (I get bored easily, so I sing in my head to keep myself entertained.)
  7. focuses on objects rather than people when walking. (I don't like being looked at, so I think if I don't look at people, I will not know if they are looking at me.)
  8. chooses what I remember. (I don't get depressed for more than one day.)
  9. doesn't talk much, but dislike silence. (I likes listening to what people has to say.)
  10. sings mostly slow songs at Karaoke. (I can't read chinese fast enough to sing fast songs.)
  11. doesn't like to waste my time sleeping. (I still get my 7 hours sleep per night though.)
  12. can say no. (I don't like making myself do something I don't like doing.)
  13. is not a morning person. (If I kill someone oneday, I bet it will be in the morning.)
  14. dislikes over friendly 'strangers'. (People who pretend they know you inside out after meeting you once or twice.)
  15. thinks of a quiet beach when I can't sleep. (It helps.)

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Bloody fat... Wil's graduation

GOD SAVE ME! I don't know if it's the start of the cold weather or maybe there are some new fat-gaining viruses around but since I came back from overseas, I have gained 2 kg and around 2% body fat. I have a feeling it's my new inactive life which causes the weight gain. I thought I would be kind to my body and reduced my gym program from 5 days per week to 3 days. Obviously my body is not very appreciative of what I've done for it - bastard! I've come up with this new program and hopefully it'll bring my body fat % back down:

Mon - chest/back supersets and 10mins cardio.
Wed - biceps/triceps supersets and 10 mins cardio.
Fri - shoulders/legs and 15 mins cardio.
Sat - whole body workout plus 30 mins cardio.

I've swapped from white bread to wholegrain and I've been pooing like an elephant! That helps with weight management, yeah?

Past Thursday was Wilson's graduation ceremony. Congrats! While I can't wait for get my butt into the workforce, Wilson is studying for another one and a half year - Master of Education. Anyway, here are some pictures from that day:

Wilson, Me and my sister, Christean at Sofitel Hotel for afternoon buffet.

Wilson, Me, Wilson's mum - Mrs Wu, Jia and Dennis at Sofitel Hotel.

Wilson and I at Monash just before the ceremony.

Wilson and Christean at Monash.

My sister and I at Monash carrying a bouquet of flowers someone bought for Wilson.

Wilson's cousin, Ann in pink overcoat, Aussie guy is Jason - Wilson sister's boyfriend and guy in coat next to Wilson is Marcus.

Mrs Wu, Wilson's sister - Evans, Me and Christean at the ceremony hall.

Easter this Friday. We will get a week off as part of the uni semester break + Easter. I know exactly I am doing this break already. Essay, essay and essay - literally. I have 3 essays due right after the break. Right now, I don't want to think about them. I'll enjoy the party I talked about a few blogs back and then only will I start worrying about my essays.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Go away hang over

While I was out in the city today, I saw a Dove poster which makes this statement: Will society ever think old is beautiful? (Here, I think 'old' refers to physical appearance as opposed to age.) Maybe because I am still young, but I've never thought the society thinks that being old = 'ugly'. I am all for the idea of aging gracefully. Anyway, you know how those who say they don't mind getting old are usually the first to go under the knife.

Argh! I am having the worse hang over EVER, and I still have to listen to some online lectures today! I should have thought of that before pouring all those vodka shots down my throat, shouldn't I? But it was tommie boi's birthday, and who doesn't know of his obsession with alcohol (both drinking and serving) - haha.

After all the drinking, we headed off to this club which was having this Foam Night:

While I was there, I thought it looked cool, fun and it was like walking on clouds. Afterwards, I thought, 'Damn, now I have to chuck out my favourite pair of shoe'. Long day today, lots of studying to do, and I don't think I am physically or mentally up to it.

Pop quizzie

#1 Seperated at birth?

Tennis players: Martina Navratilova and Katarina Srebotnik.

#2 Who thinks Marat Safin needs a haircut?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Why are the poor dangerous

I went to uni today and I am so exhausted I need a week to recuperate. You see, I've got into the habit of not going to uni AT ALL since majority of my lectures are recorded online. So the mere act of going to uni produces such immense stress and shock to my system, more mentally than physically, I seriously think UNI WILL MAKE ME CRAZY.

After uni, I caught up with a friend who I hadn't met since last November. We had this discussion about whether we should sympathise the con artist or or people they conned. Our discussion is as follow:

His view - if the 'con artist' is poor and need money for food/rent, then s/he should be sympathised. In his words - 'when you don't know where your next meal will come from, you will go anything to get some money'. This doesn't mean you should willing give him/her the money, knowing s/he is a con, but if you found out what s/he is afterwards, then you should be sympathetic rather than annoyed.

My view - I can't help it that they are poor! If having money makes me eligible of being conned then I am lucky I don't have money. Sometimes people are so concerned with protecting the unfortunate portion of the society, they forgot rich people need their rights protected too. Do you believe anyone deserves to be conned for any reason? May be we should not be annoyed at someone who desperately need money for food and what not, but I don't think we should give them sympathy either.

Anyway, it was quite a heated debate when we were discussing it but don't know why it seems so uninteresting here.

Pop quiz
#1 How do you distinguish a real LV bag from a fake one? It is probably fake when it is used to bag construction tools and marked with white paint:

#2 Having lived away from my parents for 10 years, why do I still don't know how to cook? Why do you need to know how to cook when you have friends who are good cooks!?

Korean banquet by Tommy's mom.

Wanton and steak by Wilson, Dennis and Jia.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Self-pity, Mean it!, Leather.

Self-pity - the new attention-seeking mechanism
Calling all people who can't stop self-pitying themselves, stop it! Self-pity should not be confused with the lack of self-confidence because while the latter refers to genuine dissatisfaction of oneself, the former is desperately used to attract attention. It is annoying! You know that most of the time people who said 'I am ugly' not only want to hear confirmation that they are not, they also want charity sympathy. Why don't they just go buy a butcher knife and cut themselves into pieces!? The best way to deal with these type of people is to not deal with them at all.

Say what you mean!
You know sometimes people say things with such assertion you are sure they mean what they say? It will only bothers you more when they do something contrary to what they said later on. Words like 'maybe', 'might' etc.. are there for a reason. Don't say 'I am definitely going to buy Item X' when you know there is a probable or possible chance that you might buy it! This will not only create uncertainty in what you said before, but also what you say after.


Want and really want
Anyway, there are things that I want, and there are things that I REALLY want. This pouch thingy is definitely in my REALLY want list:

Hermes. Photo from Milk HK mag

(Note to self - if I buy it, don't use it in KL to prevent getting targeted by 'motorbike thieves'.) The problem with this type of things is that, they are IN at one moment and OUT while you are half way through a blink of an eye. So come to think of it, maybe it's not something I really want. Nice though.

While we are talking about something leathery. This is extremely nice and I am still waiting for my friend to help me check how much it cost:

Bottega Veneta.