Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Why are the poor dangerous

I went to uni today and I am so exhausted I need a week to recuperate. You see, I've got into the habit of not going to uni AT ALL since majority of my lectures are recorded online. So the mere act of going to uni produces such immense stress and shock to my system, more mentally than physically, I seriously think UNI WILL MAKE ME CRAZY.

After uni, I caught up with a friend who I hadn't met since last November. We had this discussion about whether we should sympathise the con artist or or people they conned. Our discussion is as follow:

His view - if the 'con artist' is poor and need money for food/rent, then s/he should be sympathised. In his words - 'when you don't know where your next meal will come from, you will go anything to get some money'. This doesn't mean you should willing give him/her the money, knowing s/he is a con, but if you found out what s/he is afterwards, then you should be sympathetic rather than annoyed.

My view - I can't help it that they are poor! If having money makes me eligible of being conned then I am lucky I don't have money. Sometimes people are so concerned with protecting the unfortunate portion of the society, they forgot rich people need their rights protected too. Do you believe anyone deserves to be conned for any reason? May be we should not be annoyed at someone who desperately need money for food and what not, but I don't think we should give them sympathy either.

Anyway, it was quite a heated debate when we were discussing it but don't know why it seems so uninteresting here.

Pop quiz
#1 How do you distinguish a real LV bag from a fake one? It is probably fake when it is used to bag construction tools and marked with white paint:

#2 Having lived away from my parents for 10 years, why do I still don't know how to cook? Why do you need to know how to cook when you have friends who are good cooks!?

Korean banquet by Tommy's mom.

Wanton and steak by Wilson, Dennis and Jia.


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