Friday, March 30, 2007

Must-haves #192847290

To me, shopping online is just another way of saying, 'Yes, I have a credit card, here are the details, use them as you so desire'. But from what I last heard, it's still safe to browse through online shops. Right?

Clockwise from top left:
  • House of Holland: Slogan tees are making shock waves in the fashion world. They scream attention-whore with their bright font and fabric colours, innovative use of font styles and sizes, slogans and names.
  • To-orist: First, it's see-through tees, and now, it's x-rayed tees. This tee steps so far out the plain and conventional, it'd be madness not to own one.
  • D&G: I've recently developed a keen interest in polo shirts. And this one with a streamlined collar by D&G is one which I must have!
  • Todd Lynn: What's not to like about this thing that looks like a bow tie? This would go well with almost any tee or shirt. And you know you need a piece of this as a part of your wardrobe when even a geek would look good wearing it!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

How we park in KL

Calling all drivers in Kuala Lumpur! It’s time to return to driving school to learn about the many ways of parking you may not be aware of or simply missed while obtaining your driver’s licence. If you were to think that the traffic issues which KL road users face merely consist of inevitable congestions, damaged roads and horrific drivers’ etiquette, then you’ve got another think coming.

Illegal parking, in fact, isn’t a novel matter. It’s just that it is often neglected and viewed as a trivial one. It’s become such a prevalent and disregarded glitch within the KL traffic system you might receive confused stares if you pay your parking metre or ask for direction to a parking venue.

Why do people park illegally? It all boils down to two factors, namely, convenience and economic – that’s if you don’t get caught of course.

1. Say 'no' to signs

This class of parkers ignores all signs – let it be No Parking, Toll Zone or Pedestrian Crossing. Their defiance of road signs is apparent. “Hell with road signs,” you can almost hear them yell from their cars.

When you believe that you are entitled to park wherever you desire, the visibility and existence of road signs of any sort is immaterial. These parkers operate on the conception that: it’s only a violation of the traffic law if you get caught, summoned, or tolled.

2. Parallel Parker

Parallel Parkers are those who choose to leave their cars next to and, like its name suggests, in parallel with parked cars. Due to the unsurprisingly infuriating and bothersome nature of this style of parking, Parallel Parkers usually don’t leave their cars unattended for too long. And they’re often only running errands nearby, and ready to remove their vehicles as required.

Worse comes to worst, if the Parallel Parker is no where to be found, God may be kind to you and remove either the vehicle in front or behind of you for you to make your exit.

3. Pompous Parker

I consider this the most inconsiderate parking behaviour. A Pompous Parker will park directly behind you, depriving you your only passage of exit. The option of reversing your car to cause him some well-deserved damage is tempting, but unwise. It’s so because the possibility of escaping thereafter is infinitesimal and it’ll only be all so obvious as to who the perpetrator is.

So you are left with no other option but to write a polite note, attach it to its windshield and wait patiently for the return of its owner at a nearby Starbucks.

4. Path Climber

Cars should be able to remain on wherever and whatever they’re able to get themselves onto; so the Path Climbers claim. It creates minimal obstruction to other road users, but what about the pedestrians?

5. Semi-Path Climber

Semi-Path Climber – the close cousin, or should I say half cousin of Path Climber? Why go all the way in when it would suffice to go half the way? It’s fairer compared to Path Climber as it’s only half, and equally, as obstructive for both road users and pedestrians.

6. Bus Stopper

Bus Stoppers park where buses supposed to stop to embark and disembark passengers. Negatively affecting bus schedule, flow of traffic and the safety of the passengers are less of their concern. This suitably vacant space is just too inviting to reject.

7. Corner Stopper

Corner Stoppers are the most dangerous of them all. They not only unsafely hinder the sight of other drivers, but at the same time, also force them to move around the parked vehicles before making a turn. Considering the importance for drivers to maintain undisturbed visual sight at all time while driving, it’s no wonder why I label this – THE MOST DANGEROUS.

Ps. Talk about spending my free time more productively!

Monday, March 26, 2007

No. 8 - mission accomplished!

Remember no. 8 from the "20 must-dos before 40" list I posted on my August 2006 blog ? Well, all pedestrians and uninsured road users beware! I've just been conferred the privilege to driiiiiiiive. The only thing is, I should probably never drive, even if my mom's life depends on it. Despite passing my driving test, I'm incapable of looking left or right for incoming traffic when I'm driving straight forward. I panic when I drive above 20km/hr. I shake when I get horned.

But since I can't protect everyone who choose to use the road the same time as I do, as selfish as it may seem, the least I could do is to protect myself and get myself a good solid car with several healthy airbags. It'll either be this...
... or this...

Photos from Suzuki-pest and 14tka.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Today is March 23rd

So what now that I am a year older than yesterday? I don't start my downhill descend until I hit 30, right? Or is it 40? And by the way, can someone please remind me when it's time for mid-life crisis? Oh, is it cheaper to be cremated than buried? Just planning ahead before I start losing my memory, or worse, my hair.

Last weekend, my friends threw me, and four others whose birthdays also happen to be on March, one huge conjoined party at a friend's penthouse suite. I don't have photos to show, but think Mika's Grace Kelly MV - dimmed atmosphere, range of upbeat music, trendy people, some sung, some danced on table, chilling out and all the fun stuff.

Speaking of which, Mika's Grace Kelly is definitely my feel-good song of the year. You know every now and then, you come across one of those songs that gives you shivers from the top of your spine right down to your tail bone, and then put a smirk on your face? This is that song! Quirky rhythmic patterns, up tempo, Mika belting out the catchy tune with his falseto - this song has it all. You'd be mad not to be a fan.

Ps. Why are some of the Youtubes I posted in the past just vanished... bam... gone!?

Friday, March 16, 2007

B-Grade Weirdness

You Are 70% Weird

You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right?
But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks!

Last time I checked, I was only 40% weird. Now I am 70%. It turns out that I am, in fact, weirder than a circus freak! And come to think do it, I DID used to use toilet rolls as pretend breasts. I'm just kidding! Or am I really?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

1st Destination of '07: Hong Kong

I'm back! And after spending a few days in Hong Kong, not doing much other than shopping, eating and just hanging out, I'm definitely feeling heaps better. The trip was fulfilling and exactly what I needed to reboot my mind.
If you were to ask me how was my weekend, I'd say it was FUN-FUN-FUNTASTIC. My friend and I went to the hip and trendy Armani Bar before moving to a nearby club on Friday night. The night ended early though because of our plan to go shopping for the entire Saturday. That means, lots of walking, pushing and shoving, and most importantly, budgetting - Which should I get? Can I afford both? Can my dad afford both?
How silly of me to tell my friends that there'd be no shopping at all!? I ended up getting myself a couple of shirts, pants, CDs, a pair of white sneakers, a long-awaited moisturiser (Kiehl's to be exact) and was given a Miu Miu white glasses frame by my friend as an early birthday gift. I know this season is all about gold, metallic and the fabulously feminine red, but I think just like black, you can never really go wrong with the colour white. Anyway, speaking of Miu Miu, I came across this spread of Lindsay Lohan for the Miu Miu campaign at TST and she looks absolutely out of this world!

Photo from Urbane Girl.

Oh yeah, the Swedish up-market-Giordano-equivalent, H&M offically opened to the public of Hong Kong at 11am on Saturday. Hundreds of dedicated fashionistas queued in front of the four-storey store with sleeping bags and all the night before in hope to be the first to get their hands on the garments of this giant fashion chain. It was madness! I had a feeling that they were more excited about the launched the M Collection, designed by Madonna herself than anything else.

Photo from Hong Kong Digital Vision.

The crowd built up to around a thousand by morning! My friend and I were excited about the M Collection too, but we weren't crazy. So we went after the crowd subsided to a few hundreds around 9:30pm that night. When we got in, we were disappointed to say the least. And don't even get me started on the M Collection, I tell you! I left with a big yellow sunglasses (not from the M Collection) and my friend with a piece of clothing for his baby nephew.

Anyway, remember... people today don't run away from their problems anymore, they go on an overseas trip instead.

Friday, March 09, 2007

"Don't... think it, you need to know it."

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

What's next?

When I graduated last year, I thought it'd be exciting to endeavour new things. Something outside my expertise, something that'd intrigue me, something that'd get me out of bed for work each day. In fact I was so excited, I was all over the place. I tried almost everything I could think of, things that I enjoy... things that I thought I'd enjoy.

I'm now worn out from trying new things. I know I could go away and blame myself, my parents, and hell, why not God too for the sake of it, but what I need is really some guidance. But at the mean time, what I really neeeeed is to get away to re-assess my goals and priorities.

And that's exactly what I'm doing. Travelling overseas, reassess certain things and hopefully I'll be able to start afresh when I return.

Anyway, now that I've got that off my chest, let me show you the polo shirt I've just decided that I must have. And it is...

Photo from: Style

Fred Perry's check polo shirt. Delicious, I know. The ankle-length nylon pants by Prada is nice too, but you'll need to have one of those legs to pull that off.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Who would have thought?

The infamous gossip blogger, Perez Hilton and I celebrate the same birthday. Yeah, I know, so what? Hahaha