Saturday, April 22, 2006

Today I say...

Last night we had a mini gathering thing for my friend, Stephen who came back from Hong Kong to visit. It was fun. Everyone has a few drinks and then some (incl. me) went to a nearby club. Oh, did I mention Stephen didn't turn up?

Chido is on Sale at Curtis (Curtin?) House on Level 2 on Swanston Street. 70% off Comme des Garcons and Chido shirts, tees and pants and, Y3 and Camper shoes! I.e., CDG shirt which usually cost $600 is only $180 now! Like all Sale, sizes are limited. The Sale ends tomorrow. According to the boss of Chido, they are stocking some new Converse sneakers and something-cross-Lacoste polo shirts where the buttons are on the back instead of on the front soon.

It is time like that I wish I am rich. I know money doesn't buy real happiness, but I am superficial, fake happiness will do. I bought a shirt there, which I shouldn't have because I just bought something else 2 days ago. I am so in financial K(shit) hole now. Anyway, I know I probably, quoting Winona Ryder, 'did the right wrong thing.'

These few days I have been thinking about whether I should stay in Melbourne or go back to KL after I graduate. I know I WANT to go back but I'm afraid. Although I like, love and adore my family, I like, love and adore my freedom too. But what if I can't find work here? At least back in KL I have my family and everyone knows family means money.

I have been doing this balancing test in my mind but it doesn't really help: friends (I'm leaning towards KL), lifestyle (KL), people (Melbourne), shopping (KL), freedom (Melbourne), security (Melbourne) and job prospect (don't know). You know how I hate being told what to do but someone please tell me what should I do!!? While you are thinking about that, you might as well help me decide if I should take this 3-month full time graphic design course:


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