Wednesday, March 14, 2007

1st Destination of '07: Hong Kong

I'm back! And after spending a few days in Hong Kong, not doing much other than shopping, eating and just hanging out, I'm definitely feeling heaps better. The trip was fulfilling and exactly what I needed to reboot my mind.
If you were to ask me how was my weekend, I'd say it was FUN-FUN-FUNTASTIC. My friend and I went to the hip and trendy Armani Bar before moving to a nearby club on Friday night. The night ended early though because of our plan to go shopping for the entire Saturday. That means, lots of walking, pushing and shoving, and most importantly, budgetting - Which should I get? Can I afford both? Can my dad afford both?
How silly of me to tell my friends that there'd be no shopping at all!? I ended up getting myself a couple of shirts, pants, CDs, a pair of white sneakers, a long-awaited moisturiser (Kiehl's to be exact) and was given a Miu Miu white glasses frame by my friend as an early birthday gift. I know this season is all about gold, metallic and the fabulously feminine red, but I think just like black, you can never really go wrong with the colour white. Anyway, speaking of Miu Miu, I came across this spread of Lindsay Lohan for the Miu Miu campaign at TST and she looks absolutely out of this world!

Photo from Urbane Girl.

Oh yeah, the Swedish up-market-Giordano-equivalent, H&M offically opened to the public of Hong Kong at 11am on Saturday. Hundreds of dedicated fashionistas queued in front of the four-storey store with sleeping bags and all the night before in hope to be the first to get their hands on the garments of this giant fashion chain. It was madness! I had a feeling that they were more excited about the launched the M Collection, designed by Madonna herself than anything else.

Photo from Hong Kong Digital Vision.

The crowd built up to around a thousand by morning! My friend and I were excited about the M Collection too, but we weren't crazy. So we went after the crowd subsided to a few hundreds around 9:30pm that night. When we got in, we were disappointed to say the least. And don't even get me started on the M Collection, I tell you! I left with a big yellow sunglasses (not from the M Collection) and my friend with a piece of clothing for his baby nephew.

Anyway, remember... people today don't run away from their problems anymore, they go on an overseas trip instead.


Blogger Robin Marie said...

overseas, *sigh* how I miss it. I've actually been very disappointed by H&M lately.

3:30 PM  
Blogger John Ng said...

RM: Same - quite disappointing indeed.

Tmy: Save up - both money and energy, and come visit me soon!

3:33 PM  

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