Thursday, November 30, 2006

What's next?

I'm now no longer a student, but officially unemployed. I got my results yesterday and thank god, I managed to pass the unit I thought I wouldn't. I won't be coming back to complete my course like I planned. I've closed my bank accounts and cancelled my gym membership. Everything that's not in my luggages has been packed into boxes and labelled, some to be sent back and some to remain here with my sister.

So, what's next?

It's time for me to embark onto a new voyage of life. In summary:
  1. Learn to drive. Having you ever heard of chauffers kidnapping their bosses? Raped their asses and then poured salt on their wounds?
  2. Work (approx. a year). So what if I've never worked a day in my life and, my IQ, EQ and general knowledge remain unchanged after all these years? I will not sell myself short! RM2000+/mth!
  3. Start own business. I'm leaning towards the food industry. People may not need the newest LV Monogram Groom wallet or to brush they teeth, but everyone needs food.
  4. Own apartment. Minimalism is cheap, chic and clean. I am thinking one bed-room, one study, timber floor, white walls, white shelves and silver kitchen.

Friday, November 24, 2006

First Cookie

At Cookie on a Thursday night.After a frozen Watermelon daiquiri...
a Strawberry and a Honey...
a Long Island Iced Tea...
a frozen Lychee and a Tropical Fruit daiquiri...
and 4 beers, a friend became uninhibited and began to publicly expose the wild, saucy, sexual side of herself (or just hungry).
I had a cheeseburger at 2am before calling it a night.

Ps. Obviously I don't care much about calories.
Pps. Photo by Tommy.
Ppps. Copyable ideas: the half painted lightbulb and shelves.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Nothing for days

When it comes to doing absolutely nothing for days and not feeling bored or bad about it, I think I'm the best. Since Sunday, I've done minimally and exactly the same things every single day - watch HK drama series and gym. Usually, at this time of year, I'd be in KL, hovering around my dad' office, nagging him like a sissy little princess for pocket money. And with the dole, I'd get myself the Most-Hated fruit on the planet - Perez... no I mean durian, protein powder to soak my muscles with and spend on cabs since I can't drive... yet.

Right now I'm still in Melbourne, waiting for the release of my exam results on the 30th of this month. I've been trying hard not too think much about it and to take it easy. But whenever I try to put a resume together or casually ponder on the thought of ultimately entering the workforce, a torrent of scary ramifications of which if I were to fail anything would recandle the paranoia in my mind.

7 more days, wish me luck, I need it! Pray for me. Pray to Jesus or that hot virgin chick.

Ps. I haven't forgotten about my small business analysis project, I just haven't been able to find anything I like recently.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

There ain't no God for dogs

Milla Jovovich is one of my favourite supermodels. I love her style, unique personality and alien-like features. I like her ever since I saw the Fifth Element but I didn't know that she's a also singer until today. This song, oh my lord, what can I say - the bitch is obviously furious! Fastforward to 3:07 and you'll see what I mean.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I wanna fuck you

It annoys the crap out of me for not able to post a Youtube link here. Anyway, click on this and listen to my new favourite song by Akon featuring Snoopy Doggy. What can I say other than "I'm here to put my dick on you" - it's straightforward, provocative and probably a very effective pick-up line.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Go Go Gold

Friday night was the Golden Martini Night. Given the time (decided to have the party on Wednesday night) we (Tommy, Gloria and I) had to prepare for the party it turned out to be not a bad night. Everything has to be gold or black. The plates...
The ribbons on the glasses...
And I mean everything...
Another delicious martini by Aaron...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Nothing is (really) free...

My oh my. The magazine store, Mag Nation, on Elizabeth and Collin Streets is giving out free coffees to people who speaks its secret code. The codes are:
  • Cappucino: 'Hi, I've been lonely for really long time. Would you mind giving me a little comforting?'
  • Flat White: 'Do you have any magazines about back hair removal?'
  • Latte: 'Excuse me, I am a little itchy. I was wondering if you have any anti-fungal cream?'

How embarrassing. I am a fan of free stuff, but luckily I am not a fan of coffee.

Wilson's Kitchen review

Last night, I paid the so-called "Wilson's Kitchen" a visit. It's self-trained chef has the confidence that match his stature. He only started dedicating himself to cooking for a few months. And he has already elevated himself from his once simple style of cooking to a more mature and commendable level.

As I sat myself down - Japanese-style, the chef presented me and other food addicts (I mean critics) with BBQ King Pork, Golden Princess Prawns and, Graceful Greens. The use of only lean meat in the BKP did not lessen the aroma or taste that disgusting animal fat provide. Its chargrilled flavour was intensified with layers of honey. The GPP was cooked to perfection - thoroughly, but not overly cooked. And finally, the oil-free GG covered with oyster and garlic sauces was a good combination to the other meat dishes. All were reasonably presented other than the BKP. Let's just say it wasn't particularly pleasant to see dead pigs stacked in the shape of a small mountain.

All dishes were clear indications of improvement of general skill and taste. A job well done!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Quick updates

1. I am back! A few weeks ago, I decided to give LiveJournal a go. Obviously things didn't work out. I spent more time learning how to use it than actually blogging. So I guess it's probably better that I stick with what I know and familiar with.

2. Somehow, I can't post this YouTube on my blog but... fucking ~ take a look at it now. If there is a name to describe people like him, I'm sure it is not a pretty one. How a person could post such a degrading and embarrassing clip of himself on the www is beyond me. But why should I complain when it's people like him that makes me look more appealing to the others.

3. Last night was steamboat and martinis night. The steamboat took Tommy, Gloria and I two-plus hours to prepare. There were lots of fishballs, chicken wings, shabushabu and vegies. The martinis were delicious. It took longer to make one than to drink one though. After dinner, there were card games, a drag show and a lot of drunkened individuals. These are Iceberg martinis prepared by Aaron.

4. Wii is in Melbourne Central. This video game console comes with a special remote controller that uses a combination of accelerometers and infrared detectors to sense the physical geastures of person. And it has a tennis game which lets you swing the remote as if it's a tennis racket. Interesting~

5. Apparently Tsubi has been in a trademark/copyright/whatever litigation with Tsubo - the shoemaker, and will change from Tsubi to Ksubi (pronounce the same) in 2007.