1. I am back! A few weeks ago, I decided to give LiveJournal a go. Obviously things didn't work out. I spent more time learning how to use it than actually blogging. So I guess it's probably better that I stick with what I know and familiar with.
2. Somehow, I can't post this YouTube on my blog but... fucking ~ take a look at it now. If there is a name to describe people like him, I'm sure it is not a pretty one. How a person could post such a degrading and embarrassing clip of himself on the www is beyond me. But why should I complain when it's people like him that makes me look more appealing to the others.
3. Last night was steamboat and martinis night. The steamboat took Tommy, Gloria and I two-plus hours to prepare. There were lots of fishballs, chicken wings, shabushabu and vegies. The martinis were delicious. It took longer to make one than to drink one though. After dinner, there were card games, a drag show and a lot of drunkened individuals. These are Iceberg martinis prepared by Aaron.
4. Wii is in Melbourne Central. This video game console comes with a special remote controller that uses a combination of accelerometers and infrared detectors to sense the physical geastures of person. And it has a tennis game which lets you swing the remote as if it's a tennis racket. Interesting~
5. Apparently Tsubi has been in a trademark/copyright/whatever litigation with Tsubo - the shoemaker, and will change from Tsubi to Ksubi (pronounce the same) in 2007.