Friday, August 11, 2006

20 Must--Dos before 40

You know people usually make a list of 100 must-dos. I'm less ambitious. I don't plan to live over 40 ~ HA! This list is not in accordance of priority.
  1. Travel to Europe. I'm thinking London and Paris. I don't mind backpacking as long as I'm not the one doing it.
  2. Start own business. Either a small restaurant/cafe or a tee shop.
  3. Own an item by Goyard. Anything but wallet.
  4. Attend a fashion show. Anywhere in the world.
  5. Go on detox for a week. Lots of water and vegie!
  6. Own an apartment. I don't care if it's on a 10 years+ mortgage or just make my parents sign over their apartment to me. I want my name on the paper!
  7. Take my parents to Japan. And leave them there.
  8. Learn to drive. Imagine my mom driving me to work ~ NOT COOL!
  9. Own a car. My friend just bought a new car - Renault. It's compact, stylish, about 5 feet tall with cute little wheels. That shows you how much I know about cars.
  10. Get married. Ummm...
  11. Earn my first million. Geez I think I might be aiming too high here. Let's make that Ringgit Malaysia. That's around AUD350,000.
  12. Master written Chinese. Well, I can't speak proper Mandarin either but I like to think that I can. It's all about self-belief, right?
  13. Improve serve. I know I have the perfect height to have a powerful serve in tennis. I just need practice serving more often.
  14. Start up an online business. Minus rent + minus expense for shop assistant/s = as my dad would put it; 'Big Money Coming'.
  15. Reduce body fat. My aim is to around 10% body fat.
  16. Invest in shares. This one should be easy. All I need is to give my brother money and he'll do the rest.
  17. Learn to enjoy good champagne. Moët & Chandon, that's what celebrities drink, yeah?
  18. Improve socialising skill.
  19. Go on Star Cruise. And be one of tsunami casualties.
  20. Own Prada suit.

Phew. It wasn't easy coming up with this list. I started the list on Friday and just finished it today, on Sunday!


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