Sunday, July 30, 2006

It is my dream... to be filthy rich

It's not easy being a nerd!!! It's like telling Miss Lohan to fucking stop taking sickies and start working hard so that she can maintain her cocaine addiction. I've been homebound for 2 weeks and I finished so much uni work I am starting to feel sorry for myself.

PLAY - the key to happiness. Right? You bet! But right now I have goals I want to accomplish and so I have to be patient... good things never come easily.

I'm thinking of starting my own business back in KL approximately a year after I graduate. It's my dream... to be filthy rich... or is it my dad's? I can't remember anymore. Anyway, it's either gonna be a small Japanese cafe/restaurant or a small clothing shop. So I've given myself a project to create a 'Book of Ideas' in which I will take photos, make notes, jot ideas and what not of the shops in Melbourne that interest me. These are the steps:
  1. Take a photo of the general outlook of the shop.
  2. Note down the menu or types of clothing the shop sells.
  3. Note down the price.
  4. Note down what's special about the shop.
  5. Draw a rough floorplan of the shop.
  6. Give personal comment.

I know it's not very professional, but it's a start I guess.


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