Saturday, September 02, 2006

Darkus' 20th Birthday

A couple of us decided to have a few drinks before going to Darkus' 20th birthday party last night. Bad idea! I was so trashed after god knows how many glasses of alcohol, I missed out on singing the birthday song and birthday cake, and had to stayed in the car while everyone else went clubbing. We are the Original Queens of Clubbing. Darkus is the one in pink, Happy Birthday boy!

Aaron, a white guy, Quan and I. Note how I either bite my lower lip or stick my tongue out. It is soooo not fierce and edgy. Alcohol makes people do strange things.

You see what I mean?

Timmy, Tommy and Jonny.

Note to self: When you start taking photos with strangers, it's time to stop drinking. You can see how I was about to stick my tongue out, but just didn't make it in time.

I need self-control. I need to promise myself not to ever drink more than 5 glasses of any alcoholic beverages when I go out next time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

'white guys' don't have names?? :)
the tongue thing has GOT to stop. if drinking makes you do that, then that reason alone is good enough to never drink alcohol again hehe
looks like you - um, before the binge drinking - had a nice time..?

10:06 AM  
Blogger John Ng said...

I don't personally know that caucasian guy, so I don't know his name. We weren't at the party 'before the binge drinking because a few of us started drinking before arriving at the party. According to others, it was a nice party and I was having fun, but I don't remember anything.

I know I probably should stop looking up to Kate Moss as a role model.

11:39 AM  
Blogger hwangus said...


6:08 PM  

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