Now it's official
Photo from Edited by me.
And don't you all forget how Nicole Kidman looks like when she was a girl - before she becomes one of Hollywood's glamour WOMEN.
Photo from yahoo.comNow that I am older, I think it's time I re-evaluate my focuses and aims. Instead to saving to buy a pair of shoes, I should start saving to buy a house! I should stop eating a Maccas and start dining in expensive French restaurant. Umm no, that's what rich people who when they stop being poor. Anyway, rather than trying to fit in, I should appreciate the friends I've already got.
While we are on the topic of 'fitting in', it's time for me to start buying clothes that actually fit, no more baggy clothes. Theoritically, it may sound simple but when you have a shoulder as broad as a 6ft tall SUPERmodel but the height of a pre-puberty boy - small is too tight and large is too long.
You know, sometimes it's amazing where you can learn the value of living from. I got this phrase from a wrapping paper my friend used on a gift for me:
'We have no obligation to-wards life,
Our only obligation is happiness.'
If this is one of life many purposes then I can surely tick this off my list. I rarely, if ever, feel obliged to do things I hate, because from experience I know that after doing it you will either hate the person who made you do it or hate yourself for letting that person make you do what you hated to do. So, you might as well do nothing since ultimately you will hate each other anyway.
My 23-year old List-To-Do:
1. Education – graduate.
2. Physique – keep doing what I am doing.
3. Health – keep taking herbal supplements.
4. Food – less sugar.
5. Money – save.
6. Clothes – fit.
7. Piano – more etudes.
8. Malaysia – wait for me!
I'll end with 8 before it's a lucky number ~ HA!
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