Saturday, March 04, 2006

One day, two conclusions

In the quest of creating a more creative blog, I have decided to do what everyone is doing – take photos of themselves and anything within their zooming range. But being a PC stupid guy that I am, I don't know how to transfer the photo from my phone to the Adobe Photoshop program on my PC. So I resorted to taking a picture of my phone with my webcam.

How sad is too sad? THIS is too sad.

Anyway, here you go, my first ever attempt of taking photo of myself in public:

Why does the bottom half of my face look deformed or bashed? I could have opened my eyes slightly bigger, no? How can I expect you guys to be able to tell from this dodgy picture?

It wasn’t easy taking photos of yourself in public. I didn’t want people on the street to think that I am a self-obsessed bitch, because I am not (which is kind of pathetic given the fact that I constantly preach for you-only-have-yourself-to-answer-to attitute), so I had to use my lightning fast phone-out-snap all in one motion, which I developed throughout years from picking my dad’s pocket. It was literally snap and hide the phone, and don’t-look-around-because-you’re-more-noticable-that-way. So I guess this is as good as it gets.

Conclusion #1: Self-photographers must have self-esteem as high as Winnie on horsey powder.

Oh, I had this for lunch today - Chicken Kare Don – Yummy yum~! Who am I kidding? This photo probably looks like dog-poo to you guys:

It's from a nearby mini Japanese restaurant called DonDon. Total price: AUD7.50, pretty cheap if you are earning the Aussie bucks but in KL, you can get 5 packs of nasi lemak.

Three weeks ago I started learning this piano piece called La leggierezza by F Liszt. Although it says, Quasi Allegretto, it is still kind of fast. I took on my former piano teacher’s, TS, advice and practiced those running passages in different rhythms, staccatos etc… Now I am playing it faster, but it’s still slow. How come V Horowitz was able to learn Rach 3 concerto in 6 weeks and this tiny little 8-page etude is taking me forever?

Conclusion #2: Just play the piece in Moderato speed and hopefully it still sound fast to an untrained ear.

Off to meet up with some friends for dinner and then go and watch this new HK chick-flick - starring Miriam and some taiwanese dude.


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