Friday, March 03, 2006

A day that needs productivity

God knows how many times I have tried blogging. Too many times, I tell you. But this time is different. Why, you may ask? It's because I am sooo bored with Melbourne only profanities would do my justice in describing how I feel right now.

I woke up this morning, feeling energised after a good night sleep (having a good night sleep is so rare I forgot it exist) and ready to do my usual Friday window shopping and ultimately buying something I cannot afford which then lead to me bashing the poor old untune piano at home throughout the weekend to kill time. But I didn't do that today. That's because it's save-money-now-because-no-one-is-giving-you-any-after-you-graduate period. You know what I mean. So instead of shopping, I went to the gym to workout (not to purr you sluts), post a package to Chan who is back in KL, had lunch with Wilson and also went browsing at Borders (at the magazines section of course).

God, do I need to get a life or what!

Any-who, tomorrow's forecast - 31 degrees. I forecast myself bashing the crap out of something green, hairy and round - tennis balls, or tanning my youthful skin away on a over-crowded beach.


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